Currently living in Gurgaon, India, dealing with peak Indian summer. Maximum temperature is hitting over 40℃ everyday for almost three weeks now but the bright side is long days, evening swims, mangoes and ice-cream.
Been journalling more regularly since May end which means I’m using Obsidian more and more. Which lead me to have find a way to publish some of the notes more widely.
I wanted something which would let me leverage Obsidian and markdown for the ease of writing, and maintainability without compromising on the ownership part. So I spent some time setting up Quartz to start this blog/wesbite.
Trying to finish 12 rules of life by Jordan Peterson, which has been interesting in parts.
Next on the list is (Introspect)[] by Visakan Veerasamy
Not just these, but I’ve been going to these more frequently.
Haven’t been watching a lot of stuff lately but I have so far watched season one of White Lotus, which I picked because the next season is being shot in Koh Samui, a beautiful island in Thailand, which I got to visit some 4 years ago.
(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one too.)